Women singing during mass
Hundreds from the village and abroad gathered in the village Community Hall on Saturday the 15th of July 2013 to seek the face of God in Eyanchang village.

At the initiative of some leaders of Christians communities in the village with the approval of Chief Taku Mbi of Eyanchang village, the two days occasion started with an all-night prayer on Friday 14th of July 2013. During the night prayer that preceded the Ecumenical mass, the congregation of Christians led by the Pastor of the Full Gospel Mission begged for God for mercy on the village and asked God to cleanse the village of all seen and unseen sin be it committed by this generation or past generations.

Rev Fr Joachim
PP Nchang Parish
The ecumenical mass was the peak of the event. Presided by Rev Fr Joachim of Nchang Catholic parish, it witnessed the presence of all the villagers from the chief to his regent to quarter heads and children. You will read a unanimous desire from faces of all present to witness this one in life time event.
Filled with prayers and exhortations, all the villagers opened their hearts to God by being not only patient but also following in great attention all that took place.

In his homily, Rev Fr Joachim exhorted the elements of Eyanchang village no to “go back to Egypt” but to keep up with God so as to allow God do great things in Eyanchang village. He continued by urging them to dedicate time for God especially on Sundays which are days of worship. “You must prove to God that you are ready to walk with him by putting your trust and faith in Him entirely” he said.
He pleaded with the villagers to put an end to all the ills in the village like the sales of illegal drugs, theft, children disobedience to elders, lack of unity among the villagers amongst others. He called on them to enter into friendship with Christ and use their energy in serving God and living in fraternity with one another for the interest of the village and future generations. Small groups in the village that does not honour God must seize to be and their members turn to God entirely by abandoning idol worships and being fully united to God.

Priest, Pastor, Catechist and Mass Servers 
Prayers were said by all the Christian denominations in the village for the intention of the day not leaving out for the repose of the soul of the innocent man that was killed during the recent robbery that took place in the village and perpetrated by children from Eyanchang who are presently in custody. They also prayed for the robbers that God may give them a willing heart to hate evil and avoid all that will destroy their lives and the image of the village as a whole.
There was adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and blessing of Holy Water that was used for the cleansing of the entire village.

At the end of the ceremony the villagers were filled with joy and the serenity in the village after the ecumenical mass speaks for itself. You can see more pictures here

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