They make things their way
My recent visit to Eyanchang gave me the opportunity to discover the village afresh. Driving from Douala to the village can be very smooth through the Bamenda road and I can assure you that you can drive past Eyanchang without noticing. Thank God I was with folks who help direct me through.

The atmosphere may still be the same but the structure has changed and many young guys now have monthly salaries that have added to their normal farm work income.
It will be rare to see people go to the farm now by trekking talk less of seeing a bicycle through I succeeded in seeing an old one that could not even carry me around. You will find many people at home nowadays than before yet everybody is happy with one thing or the other. This to me
Harvesting of oranges
is the evolving Eyanchang or the new Eyanchang if you prefer.
I was highly stupefied when I had to ask for houses of some of my friends and I was directed to some other parts of the village to go and meet them in their houses. This shows that there is proper integration in Eyanchang since it is easy now for someone from Mbiku to live in Boh Manyi and vice versa; either by buying a piece land and building his house or rather just renting an apartment to live. A typical example is AJEAN PLAQUER who now lives in Mbiku happily though he is from Boh Eyong Quarters. We cannot talk much of integration in Eyanchang because this has been an old issue and our parents encouraged and foster it and placed us all in the right track. Today we are a proud and united village and everywhere we go we carry that Bekang flag that was handed to us by our forefathers.
Today settling in Eyanchang or building a small hiding place to live in when you are in the village is nor more a problem of land from your quarter of origin because you can acquire land from any quarter and build your small dwelling place, after all Eyanchang is for us all and we are all from the same womb.

The new road has even made it possible now for acquire land to build our small dwelling places in the village because one can easily buy a piece of land along the new road. Therefore let none say he can’t build in the village because he has no land.  To be continued. 

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