Eyanchang Government Nursery School had witness a drastic drop in enrollment to
only eight pupils for nursery one and two with two trained teachers in the academic
year 2012/2013.
The ECDA General had embarked to improve the enrollment through
sensitization and providing the pupils/school with basic needs.
ECDA General Executive on a recent trip to the village learnt with disdained of
the appalling situation pertaining to the Government Nursery School amongst
other issues and reported thereto to branches.
the last Executive Meeting that took place in Buea on July 6th,
2013, the matter was examined critically; flyers and posters for sensitizations
were developed and dispatch to be distributed to the neighbouring communities.
this regard, ECDA Branches are each charged to provide a complete package for
five pupils in the Government Nursery School comprising uniforms, text books,
balls, chalks, pens, pencils, and colour pencils amongst others. Individual
supports are also encouraged and will be highly appreciated. This call goes to
all Eyanchang elements worldwide. Individuals should send their supports
through their branches.
Branches are expected to send their donations for the Government Nursery School
not later than Sunday August 11th,
2013 to the president of the Government Nursery School crisis committee chair
person Mr. Ben Bella – Tel. No. 77 95 19 08 for coordination and
ECDA President General count very much on you people and your usual
collaborations, while wishing you all the best in your endeavor and a favourable
Acting Secretary General ECDA
Mr. Agbor Dominic A.
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